
感谢您有兴趣接待Titan作为学术实习生. 学术实习 are a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application, training, 以及在专业环境下的技能发展. Academic internships give students opportunities to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide, 培训和评估人才.

Below you will find all the information you need to know to start hosting CSUF students for academic internships. You should read through this before you begin recruiting to ensure you know all the requirements and regulations.

校园合作伙伴(CSUF教职员工): 请查阅资料 雇主/网站手册PDF File 在新窗口中打开  and complete the 校内学术实习登记 在新窗口中打开 表单,而不是下面的步骤. 




  1. 阅读文章中的信息 雇主/网站手册PDF File 在新窗口中打开 学习托管要求以及如何计划和运行学术实习.
  2. 通过点击注册和发布 Titan Connection.在新窗口中打开 When the new window opens, click on the “Sign up and Post Job” button to complete the online forms.
  3. If you are offering an unpaid position you will receive an email requesting you to complete an online Learning Activity Placement Agreement. (Sample agreementPDF File 在新窗口中打开 )

该系统还允许你招募学生, 并提供对其他资源的访问 CSUF就业中心.在新窗口中打开

重要提示:我们强烈建议你在实习岗位上使用 实习设计工作表PDF File 在新窗口中打开 before proceeding to step 2 (provides more detailed instruction and minimizes risk of data loss due to connection issues or timing out).


已经注册? 如何发布新职位

有登录凭证的雇主/网站可以登录到 返回主机页面在新窗口中打开 张贴新职位.



来自美国以外的学生.S. studying at CSUF on an F-1 student visa may be eligible for academic internships if authorized by a CPT issued by the University. 工作授权细节和程序概述在 主办机构说明.PDF File



Call our office on (657) 278-3746 if you need any assistance recruiting academic interns.

Resources for
Placement Sites


Hours:   星期一至五上午8时至下午5时
Phone:   (657) 278-3746
Fax:   (657) 278-1217
Mail:   P.O. Box 6830




请参阅 雇主/网站手册.PDF File 在新窗口中打开

我正在为我的生意寻求帮助. 我可以为此雇佣一个无薪的学术实习生吗?

学术实习的职责可能包括支持企业的任务, 但如果这是招收学生的主要动机, 那么无薪实习可能不适合你. For-profit organizations can only offer unpaid internships that are in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. 劳工部,情况简报第71号在新窗口中打开  描述七个参数,当满足时,允许实习无薪. At CSUF, we are concerned with ensuring our students receive learning experiences relevant to their academic majors, 并被安置在安全的工作环境中. 为了让学生获得学分, employers should design the internship as a learning experience and be prepared to dedicate staff resources to train, teach, mentor, 指导实习生. If you wish to recruit an intern purely to help your business you should provide compensation of minimum wage or above, 按国家规定.

我已经决定要雇用谁了. 我如何确保学生获得学分? Why do I need to post a position description if I don't want to recruit any other students?

为了让学生获得学分, the employer must be registered with us and the academic internship position must be approved in our system. 对于新的或现有的合作伙伴,请遵循上述说明.

Employers can choose whether a position is visible to students seeking opportunities: select your preference when filling out the posting form.


Interns are responsible for recording their hours and reporting them to their academic departments. They should provide you with a timesheet for your signature as verification of their hours. 经教练批准, students may submit a copy of your company's timekeeping record in lieu of our timesheet.

Home-based business: Can I host a student for an academic internship at my home-based business?

学术实习 with home-based businesses can be approved under two circumstances:

1. Internships can be designed as Remote Internships if the students conduct their duties at a location other than the business address, 比如学生的家或校园. 远程实习必须遵守以下规定:

• Meetings between you (or your agents or employees) and interns should take place in a public setting (such as a coffee shop) or using teleconferencing (eg. Skype).
• Interns may conduct interviews or client visits provided they are accompanied by a representative of your organization. 实习生不得独自或在无人监督的情况下进行这些活动.

2. 进行实地考察. However, site visits will only be conducted if the opportunity offered is sufficiently rare to warrant a site visit. 实地考察并不能保证获得批准.


Yes. We welcome opportunities that allow students to travel to other parts of the United States for professional purposes. International travel is permitted if interns are covered with appropriate insurance while the travel occurs. Travel to attend conferences and other professional development opportunities is highly encouraged wherever possible.


Most three-unit academic internship courses require students to serve 120 hours (40 per unit) over a 16-week semester. In some cases students can enroll in less than three units of internship credit, 但这并不典型. Child and Adolescent Studies students complete two 60-hour practicums over two semesters. Contact CICE for requirements of the majors you are targeting for your recruitment.


CSUF students are permitted to drive as part of their duties for an academic internship or service-learning experience ONLY IF the host organization ensures sufficient personal injury, third-party and liability insurance is provided to cover the student while driving as part of their duties in an academic internship. 在发布学术实习职位时,你会被要求确认这一点.


The best time to recruit is during the weeks just prior to the start of a semester. 虽然这些日期在任何日历年都可能有所不同, 目标八月初(秋季), 12月初(春季), 4月中旬(夏季).


We recommend limiting the number of positions at your site to three interns per supervising staff member during a semester. Requests for additional students will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the CICE staff, and will depend on the nature of the position and the number of hours scheduled for each intern.

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